An Internet centre is a place where internet service is provided to public making it convenient for a common man not equipped with either a computer or internet connection to still use the internet for various purposes.
Internet centres being one of the most popular and most economical modes for a person to get connected to internet in India at present, I have some points for both the Internet Centre and the Surfer.
For the Internet Centres:
1.Keep your place ambient and comfortable, so that a surfer finds using the net a pleasure.
2.Do get your hardware regularly serviced and maintained so that a surfer doesnt feel that the hardware is slowing down the process.
3.Keep up with the latest softwares, update your softwares as new technologies emerge daily on the internet and install all necessary plugins, players etc
Provide your customer all possible messengers, chat softwares, browsers, readers, editors etc so that they dont have any unfinished jobs left.
Equip your centre with additional hardwares like printers, scanners, webcams(if needed), speakers and microphones, zip drives etc which will help a surfer complete his job at one place.
Ensure that your place is not being misused for any illegal activity, refrain people from visiting obscene sites( I know that your revenue earned will be reduced by this) but it shall surely help you as it will encourage more surfers come to your place especially the female netizens and school student community who nowadays are become net savvy.
Try and have alternate internet connections of different ISPs, so that a surfer doesnt leave your place dejected or disappointed in case of broken internet connection with the ISP.
Use anti glare screens on the monitors with the permission of the surfer, so as to protect the eyes of the surfer.
Give them a note on which their log in and log out time can be mentioned so as to avoid confusions later or install softwares specially meant for this
Display your tariffs prominently.
Keep yourself updated with the new websites, service providers like mail service providers, search engines, entertainment, educational sites, essential sites like few result sites, high court, passport and few general site and good portals so that you can guide a surfer accomplish his job.
For the Surfer:
Never reveal your passwords.
Always log off or sign out of your mailbox
Always log out of your messengers
Never reveal your credit card number unless you are accessing a secured site.
Never spam or write obscene, you could be a target too.
Do not play with anybodys emotions while chatting, someone may play the same kind of prank on you too.( This has happened many a times as your real identity is not revealed in chat like mirc and many others).
In brief a internet centre provides one with a economical internet connection which can be very useful if used in the right way keeping up with the latest on the net.