Nowadays electronics have become an integral part of our day to day life. Most of us daily use laptop for various purpose. Thus, we need to keep our laptop updated and in proper condition for getting proper support in our daily life. First thing is that you should turn on your windows defender if you are using a windows based laptop. Windows defender will keep your laptop safe from malwares and viruses. You can also install a good anti-virus for protection of your software. Get your laptop insured at the time of buying, always keep your laptop in side the laptop bag where it will be safe from any kind of fall. Regularly clean your battrey from dust, keep your screen and keypad clean inorder to avoid any issue. Regularly update your laptop softwares for its smooth functioning. While using internet on your laptop do not visit any unkown or suspicious websites and do not install any applications from unkown sources because it can install virus or anyother malware inyour laptop will caues in loss of data. Be safe.