*This is important to know about current affairs. For getting a exquisite job with handsome package also depends upon how much aware you are about what is happening in the corporate sector. So if you are able try these questions to answer and let others know.
1) Who is the pioneer of BPO business in India?
2)Which company Tata Tea is going to take over?
3)Who brought about a sea change in the layout of news papers in India, in 1990s?
4)What are the sub indices of Sensex?
5)Which institution measures the readership of a magazine in India?
6)What does clause 49 contains in SEBI guidline?
7)What do you under stand by SMART goal?
8)What are the 4As in marketing?
9)What do you make out if I say "XYZ LTD. has 51% share of heart"?
10)Which is highest revenue earning news paper in India?
Comment if you find it helpful/ old wine.*