I have observed in Bangalore at many places sellers, shop keepers do charge more price than printed MRP.
MRP means Maximum Retail Price. It is inclusive of all taxes, levies, charges, fees, duties etc.
On Brigade road when I asked for mobile prepaid curency of 350/-, I was asked to pay 358/- . I refused to buy.
On helmet purchase( very recently) MRP 596/-, I was told the rate of 700/- then bargaining started.
I refused to buy.
Milk packets, if one buys from other than milk booth. shop keepers charge 0.50 paise extra above printed MRP.
What is the role of Dept. of metrology( who should ensure that no commodity is being sold above MRP). If Govt. machinery does not arrest such mal practices . we as a buyer should stop buying the products when higher than MRP is demanded.
Dear Buyers . please awake . on 0.50 paise or 1/- extra . govt. does not get any tax . its unaccounted money generated in the system. please stop, think twice before paying such premiums.