Thanks a lot to Chachi and Chacha to help me with this good review.
Here are a fe questions that Media lets us to know
1) What is Mallika Sherawats left over cloth priced like?
2) Which Neta eat which Biscuit and that too in whose house?
3) Which Actress got divorced and which one is asking for 7 crore Rs. as alimoney?
4) What is Salmaan khan not wearing at the IIFA Awards?
5) Auctioning the left overs of Celina Jaitley from IIFA for Tsunami Relief Fund?
6) When will Ganguly remove his shirt again?
Some of the above Questions are on Media Everytime, the thing is when we want to see is what media gives us or thing is what media shows we are bound to see. Pathetic. Such kind of Media I wont show. You know I am Dhananjay had a big discussion on which is a better News Channel but then I told him have you ever thought what is common between every media.Well read on.
What is Media?
Media is a medium of information communication and retrieval
Thnks to my chachi for that definition
What are the channels?
News channels like Aaj Tak, NDTV etc
What are they showing?
Uptodate information on News, curreent affairs, fashion, films, sports etc etc
What I dont like in them?
To be precise, News channels get into highly unnneccesary things like I mentioned in the start, Fashion shows, Films and Parties are alrite for 4-5 mins not for hour long dedication, Dont show us what is Vivek Oberoi is doing for Victim of Tsumani show us what is Govt. doing for the same. Dont discuss with 6 member panel every now and then for smaller issues.
Imagine a Neta just catches cold
Aaj Tak would call in 6 member panel
One from ruling party, one from Opposition, one doctore, one jyotishi(he will tell abt lifeline of netaji), One Psyciatrist(Netajis mental state), one fokat expert(he has nothing to do and comes everynow and then even is Indian cricket team is taking rest).
Why so much emphasis on a person, why do they hilight and shine one person.
Bias on Sports
See we say all the sports should get equal weightage, then why one Earth we have shows like Cricket Aaj Tak, Sahara Cricket, why not hockey aaj tak, why not gynasmtivc ndtv.
Simple and clear I have presented the IDEA to the media, avoid doing such things and be REsponsible
I hope this is a good review. Comment to maaro mere pyaaer dosto
Today I will write 2 more reviews so stay tuned and keep reading