For people who are too much into books-the ones with a good plot, a great narrative, a writer whos known for churning out more than just potboilers, reading mills and boons is like watching a really dumbed down version of Pulp Fiction.
All of the books follow the same routine- boy meets girl, passions are restrained, they either hate each other or fall in love but pretend to hate each other, then they make out, then there comes up an obvious yet unexpected problem, they solve that and live happily ever after. Theres rarely been one book in this genre that has meandered from the path of mills-and-boon-dom.
All said and done, mills and boons books are probably the easiest escape from the boredoms and frustrations of life. You can pick up one and curl up on your couch or bed, finish it in one sitting and be done with it. There are no issues in there that prick your attention or conscience, there are no twisted plots that keep you restless, theres hardly anything that would make you use your gray cells too much.
If youre feeling down in the dumps, or had a rough day, or fell into cat-sick, you know what to do. Go to the nearest bookstore, pick one of them books up and go home to read it after a nice warm bath.