IS A fake recharge website involved in Big Scam, I had Recharged my datacard without my knowledge about the websites genuineness and end up up in loosing Rs.1000 in no time: Recharge Problem Recharge Problem with my Reliance Data Care:
I Did a Recharge of my data Card on 13th Aug 2011 and its 30th Aug 2011 today and so faar the website has not recharged my data card when Contacted on 13 th aug 2011 he said the data card recharge facility is not available with them so the refund will be processed in 7 working days but its already 17 days, When on 30th Aug 2011 he says we cant do anything we cannot refund as its the customer fault that he has recharged his data card .
RechargeFree Order Details
Order Id ja7854
Mobile Phone 9379761258
Operator Reliance(CDMA)
Circle Karnataka
Recharge Rs. 1000
Convenience Charge Rs.
Total Rs.