You are going to be receiving a text message to inform you that there is an offer for you, to purchase a Redmi Note 5pro at Rs.9/.I am attaching the screenshot of the message, the website and all information that is required for the safety of your credit card/Debit card.This fraudulent activity is from .Please be careful and your card payment using it for this website can be atolen easily.There is no authentication, at the first page of the purchase website. It means even if you put some random name and address, it will still take it.The 2nd page is the most dangerous page and highly risky page, asking for all credit card payment information.It looks like a PAYTM page and its just to get your ? money.Remember, see what screenshot I have attached .If you dont delete the message from your phone. This fraud message will keep checking everything on your phone and will promise you to go for it.DONT GET CHEATED !