A dark room with full of candles lighted on and I, with few memoirs stayed close to a picture. There is something special about black and white portraits.
*Well, I am fascinated by them. Anyway, this review is about personal grooming and if you are upset hold on, there is a long way to go. Because I too was one among those guys who never had any help to be someone who could carry in front of a huge crowd.
Grooming section # 1:
Look my friend; it’s not about how handsome or beautiful you are but its all about the confidence. It’s highly recommended to wake up early in the morning, wash your face, you’re shining face and look at the mirror and say ‘I’m the best’. Indeed you are! And get a clean shave done, preferably after taking bath and with that hot water splashed on your face so as to let your skin smoothen up. Never mind if you shave up or down but now, just look at the mirror again and see the reflections of that shining face. So, you are confident and all set to go for the next level.
Grooming section # 2:
Ask yourself, ‘who am I’? Do not ask your friends but ask yourself. Remember there is only one person like you in this world. And he has the complete right to portray the real you and if I may ask you the persons name? And would you tell me your name? Yes, it’s just you. So, let the music play in the backyard and choose your favorite dress from your wardrobe and if you ask me, I would say white shirt and black pants. Hey, don’t get confused and do vice-versa. Look different and probably will have some other meanings. So, you are finally in a white [not a plain one though] shirt and in a black pants. So, remember the fact you got to choose a thin belt which would look best for any guy and go get your shoes polished. Let it shine like your face brother, so you are completely dressed up like a groom. Simple things can change your life. Before you step out, just see if your nails are cut and if not, it hardly takes 3-5 minutes so let it be perfect.
Grooming section # 3:
Applying gel on your hair might be a good idea but it again depends on what kind of hair gel you use. Some of them can give you nightmares. I still remember once when I used a gel and got my hair spiked like one cartoon character, so stay away from those fake ones and get a good one and preferably not those hard gels. It can ruin your life getting direct sunlight on your head.
Grooming section # 4:
Perfumes play a major role and if you are using a deodorant then half the job is done but when you spray perfume, choose your pulse area like on both the sides of your neck, behind your ears [especially when you going out for a movie].
Grooming section # 5:
Apply a cream on your face and especially if it’s too oily and make sure that you choose a good brand wisely since your skin can get spoiled using some major brands which gives lot of publicity. Last but the most important factor of all is your watch. I prefer to use chain straps and I get that confident whenever I wear them. Well, choose your watch and let it show the rest that you are the best in their times.
Grooming section # 6:
You look smart buddy. But, it’s not yet over. There is something more than all these grooming section. You look handsome and impressive. You are confident and you get attention from all over. This is the place where you need to calm down. This is the time where you need to treat everybody with a smile and let them know that they are special too. This is the time where you don’t throw your attitude but help people asking ‘May I, since these words can be very effective and will show your character. Character is a beauty. There is actually no use getting dressed up like biggies and when someone gets turned off seeing the way you behave. Build your character. Respect everyone and expect nothing in return. You see, there are billions of people in this world. You will get what you deserve and like they say, life is a fortune cycle. Please don’t spin along with it. Be steady and when time comes, it will take you to the place you deserve to be.
A dark room with full of candles lighted on and I, with few memoirs stayed close to a picture. There is something special about black and white portraits. Looking at the picture over and again, seeing how I was before and those simple steps which changed my attitude towards life. They are nice to see. Change is good.