Have u ever wondered how these people look so gorgeous.have you ever pondered what makes them so different from you that they look so good .have u felt very bad that you have very less sense of dressing.looked little in a crowd of coolly dressed people at a party .that pulls us to a conclusion that dressing good is an integral part of life and helps us gain confidence.so start buying clothes .and get dressed!.if that is what running through your mind .then you are absolutely WRONG!.
clothes are important and they are your other half but what is more important is how you carry yourself.that includes the way you talk, your walking style, clothes you are wearing, how well mannered you behave and most important of all the smile you wear on our face!
it is not necessary to dress up with expensive clothes and jewellery .what sets u apart is how elegant and simple you look and yet stay in people mind for long!
its faith in something & enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living!
so start believing that you can look good .and you will!