A very wise person once told me that “you don’t need poetry or prose, to define the beauty of a rose.” However, as unfortunate as it is, even an attractive rose does have thorns which smear the perfection of the blossomed flower. While the radiating redness of the rose pulls an admirer towards it, the thorns bar them from wholly accepting the fine-looking creation into their amorous embrace.
Did that make sense to you?…
The Heck it did! That didn’t even make sense to me!
So without prolonging the task any longer, I’ll come to the point I’m making about Personal Grooming!
I’m not perfect, I bet you’re not either. So why don’t we try to take just tiny bit step towards flawlessness? Do you want to look and feel better? Do you think you need a change? Do you think I’m sounding like a cheesy teen magazine article telling people about Ten Ways To Get A Life?! If you say Yes, then I’ll shut up and move on! And if you say No, then…you definitely need that change I’m talking about!
If You Believe
Can you construct a building without a foundation? I’m no architect, but I can tell you the answer to that is No! Same way, to build a personality you need something solid and steady inside you from where you will be able to begin your grooming. This rock-solid necessity is called Confidence. No matter how pretty or intelligent you are, if you don’t have the self-belief required to carry it off, your beauty or intellect would simply look pale. As the popular phrase goes, and I repeat it on the expense of being accused of indulging in clichés, Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you!
Breaking the Habit
Monotony is the first step towards a dull and drab personality. If you want your persona to be alive and vibrant, the primary move would be to analyse your knowledge and routine. The home-school-church routine can leave anyone dreary and uninteresting, which reflects clearly on the overall exterior.
Studying and work is important, no denying that, but it is also equally essential to spice up your life with some extra curricular. Think carefully, even a simple nerd called Ramprasad( u know those guys who literally drown their hair in oil, preferably coconut or sarson ka tel, and make a middle parting, while wearing huge thick round glasses and ugly braces) have some tiny interest or hobby, which when developed can provide enough confidence to then go ahead and polish the overall personality.
Find something, other than your work or studies, in which you feel good at, or can be good at. Look for your best qualities and, if possible, make a list. Then take out at least 1 hour, 2-3 times a week to indulge in these activities. For example, if you have a knack for sketching, go ahead and join some classes. Not only will this enable you to meet people, but its also a boost to your confidence when you realise that you’ve learnt a new skill. Feeling good from the inside is the first stride towards looking good from the outside!
Mirror-mirror on the Wall…
…Who cares who’s the fairest of them all! Stop looking at others to realise that you look bad, instead, look at yourself and try to camouflage your faults. Looks are Secondary! However, as unfortunate as it is, they cannot be ignored. First impression is certainly not the last expression, but it is hard to deny that the first impression does leave mark on the mind of the other person. The reason we dress well for parties and weddings is mainly to gloss these first impressions and be at your prettiest best. In the same way, it is somewhat essential to have a presentable appearance. Looking like Ramprasad is acceptable only if you’re in the casualty of your home!
By looks being important, I’m not advocating a crash diet, a twelve-hour exercising routine or an intensive course in How To Wear the Mask of Make-Up or in How To Wear Cool Clothes! You’re not entering a Model-hunt so just slight changes can result in huge leaps in your personality.
- You cannot change your basic looks*, But you can modify your faults and somehow camouflage them. Some tips follow:
Dressing Up: You need not wear a skimpy outfit to look stunning nor do you need to copy anyone’s dressing style. My formula is, if you’re comfortable in what you wear, you will be able to carry it off, and thus look ravishing! For example, you do not need to wear a mini skirt if you don’t feel at ease in it. Instead of that, opt for a body fitting jeans or trousers. Similarly, for the guys, if you don’t think you can carry off baggy trousers, simply don’t wear them!
Make Up: Guys Puh-lease do NOT even Think of trying anything written in this paragraph! For the ladies, use the KISS theory…that is, Keep It Simple Stupid! Go around with a cake face and people know at once that you’re trying too hard! Be Subtle and just maybe give some highlights to your face when you need to. Remember the most important thing, * A healthy skin will Always shine out, so concentrate on that rather than how much eye-shadow you need to put!
Accessories: Do NOT go overboard! I’ve seen girls( and even some guys.) decked up in all the gold and shine that they have…well guess what…it looks gaudy! Ten rings in one hand looks far from cool, and 5 gold chains(of different colours at times!) makes you look like a mild version of Bappi Leheri if not more! The purpose of accessories is to add that something extra to your attire. So just a slight bit extra is what you need!
Talk Time!
You must have come across some people who talk as if gold coins are spilling out of their mouths! Well ever wondered why and how they are able to sound that way?
Answer: They have a good command over the language they are speaking. I believe it’s a misconception that you are considered “smart” only if you can converse fluently in English. When Ramprasad tries to speak in English, all that comes out is a jumble of confused and undecipherable words! He forgets that he is a scholar in Hindi and tries to ape the west unthinkingly! What I believe is that, whatever language you speak, you have to be confident in it. The best way to achieve this fluidity in language is by Reading. Read articles, books, newspapers, magazines…anything! Not only will this automatically improve your spoken and written language, it will also make you alert and aware!
Final Words
“The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”
So, to second that thought, I opine, * Live well, Mean well and You will Groom Well!
- Adieu for now, but am eagerly waiting for you feedback in the Comments Section!
Important Note in the comments section