Personal Empowerment through Pranic HealingHealth is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ~World Health Organization, 1948
Every living being possesses the inborn ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing uses prana or life energy to accelerate the natural healing power of the body thereby enhancing the well-being in all aspects of our lives. Pranic Healing is a revolutionary and comprehensive system of natural healing techniques that uses prana to treat and prevent dis-eases. It is a synthesis of ancient, esoteric healing methods that have been rediscovered, researched and tested over decades with proven success by the founder of modern day Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.
The Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation of Karnataka, is a charitable trust established in Bangalore in 1993 with the intention of promoting healthcare through pranayama, meditation and energy healing. It aims to introduce Pranic Healing to every taluk in the state of Karnataka and to set up healing and meditation centres where people will have access to an easy and effective system that promotes health and spirituality.
Pranic Healing is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please immediately consult a Medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.
Pranic Healers are not Medical Doctors, but Medical Doctors can be Pranic Healers.
Pranic Healers should not make Medical Diagnosis.
Pranic Healers should not prescribe Medications and/or Medical Treatment.
Pranic Healers should not interfere with the prescribed Medications and/or with Medical Treatments.