I am not much of a public speaker, but when advice is sought for free, I can freely give some.
Sorry all people the tips are not from experience, I am a very poor speaker in public. But still, you can make people listen to you in the public.
I was in 4th class when my father handed over the mike to me to chant the pooja shlokas. He said do not worry if you go wrong. Think AHAM BRAHASMI(I am Brahma), from then on I have committed several mistakes, caught myself, but flowed on!
First, stand up. If you can do it physically thats the best. If it is not possible then, make yourself stand up by raising your voice.
Second, is the confidence. Now all people say this. but how to do it? If all people say it, they say speak with confidence, I will tell you how to speak with confidence when speaking in Public.
When you speak in public, think all others do not know anything.Difficult but possible and speak up * Think you are Brahma, the creator of all things bright and beautiful and creatures great and small* and you can speak all well. Try it and you can succeed!
Secondly, Keep your voice up, throw up your voice, Even if you are speaking to a microphone. Maintain distance of atleast 1- 2 feet and throw your voice into the Mike, then you will be able to attract attention. And that will stop peoples voice and words disturb you.
Thirdly, many great writers(about public speaking) recommend eye contact to a group of people. Only they know how to do it. It is difficult to look in the eyes when we are actually afraid to speak in front of so many people.
Theres a trick: * See to the tree, wall clock, bench, chair, bike or anything that wont stare you back just above the head of the audience. You will be able make people think that your attention is on them.
Fourthly, understand the audience and start with all salutations they would like. It is difficult to know the audience, so, check with the other speakers how they speak and how was the response. If you are an unlucky first speaker, start with the local language salutation, and many more will get attracted! Like Namaskar!
Fifthly, keep to your subject and try not to drift. Make small notes and fold a paper into 4 parts, once a part is over fold it over, you wont require a pen to check what all you completed. Sometimes we tend to repeat words, no problem in that, even when you gather that you have repeated words/topic, do not panic and make people realise your mistake. Flow on to next topic as if nothing has happened. The audience will think you are trying to put emphasis on that particular point.
Most of all SHUT UP before it is too late.People dislike long Bhashan/speeches. Follow the KISS rule, Keep It Short and Simple.
And say something interesting while shutting up.
While a lot more can be added I will follow the KISS rule. As I have already spoke up, now it is time I shut up.
All the Best!