Hello friends today I want to give my advise on the topic ration shops.
friends we all use ration shops for our profit because we buy it in low coast.but do you know about ration shops in more detail.This is our right to take rations from these shops but only those quantity which is possible.do you know that ration which come in ration shops these ration give government when the government buy from farmers in high rate and give us in low rate government do this because he want to give ration for all whether they are rich or poor and this gives profit for farmers as well as consumers.but people can only take ration when they have ration cards.
But the shopkeeper play with us in many ways:
When we go for a taking ration in shop, shopkeeper mostly says that come after some days for taking ration .
But ration was present in there shop.
They do not give early because they want high profit from these ration.
Mostly when we go after some days the then says that ration was finished because distributing date has gone and and they capture remaining ration for them.
Most shopkeeper buy ration in black rate. Due to this many people are not able to take ration from ration shops. This happen because there is no more security in that shops government should strictly for that but most important is that people should attention and beware for that.
So friends whenever these type of activities occur with you you should com plane for that and fight for there right.