To all the people who have facination for Sony products: I have great respect for people who are fan of Sony. However, I some how continue to have bad experience with sony. First, I had a Sony television. We were not able see UHF band of channels. Got it serviced from one of the "authorized" centers - Televideo services near Shivaji Nagar in Bangalore. Charged us a bomb for correcting the issue, but we were hardly satisfied with it. I tried to play the video cd, and to my dismay I found only sounds would be played and no pictures! I thought the issue was with my VCD player, but was proved wrong, as it worked in my friends house. So, this time I contacted Sony service center, Indra Nagar, Bangalore. They could not do any thing about it except replacing the Circuit board on the Television, which would be half the cost of a new Sony Wega television!!! We decided to throw this TV and say bye to them. The TV was out of warranty. So, it is fair that Sony does charge you repair charges, but it seems to be compeltely irrational and sensless pricing and guess add one more adjective: Moronic pricing.
Next, I recently bought a camera, and was in need of rechargeable batteries. I thought, I will have my new set of rechargeable batteries. Bought it in May 2006, and in Sept 2006: Lo, one of the batteries started leaking! Went to the show room, and I am told that you get no replacement. So moral of story:
We will make a product, and if it turns out to be inferior, treat it as your bad luck and you suffer. Dont you dare try blaming the Sony company for it, for that thats the way they are going to be always!
I suspect, its only Sony India that is rotten to the core. I had a Sony Television, made in Japan which was bought from the middle east. It was working flawlessly, for nearly 15 years. The only reason we changed was because, we wanted to have a mordern television, with 100 chanels, with audio in/out, video in/out and to play VCDs and DVDs. But we paid a heavy price for it. So for all those customers, who are likely to be a "bakra", this is a warning! BEWARE OF SONY. They are glorified thieves, in India. Nothing short of it.