How bad is your driving? If your driving is bad then the cause could be stress, although a small amount of stress is useful for various driving aspects you require.
If you have had a difficult trip in a car then you can be affected by stress. If you can relate to the following then you need to have stress management.
Bad temper or irritable
Tense or anxious
Physical Symptoms
Fast beating heart
Bad headaches
Tiredness or fatigue
Stress can be self inflicted before you go out on a journey. Things like, I am late or I will get held up in traffic. If you get stuck in a traffic jam then your stress levels may rise because of what you are thinking, such as my boss will be annoyed if I am late.
Driving habits can be identified into the following 3 catagories:
Oppositional Driving: This is driving that is aggressive.
Defensive Driving: Driving your vehicle whilst being on guard most of the time.
Supportive Driving: Your driving is tolerant to other road users & pedestrians. Being helpful & forgiving.
Stress in driving can be reduced by 2 main areas:
a) Managing your thoughts
b) Changing your behaviour
I will try and endeavour to help you reduce stress by giving some tips on the 2 above factors.
a) In managing your thoughts you should speak out loud what you think and not bottle it up inside, such as: I cannot control the traffic, but only control my reaction to what is happening. Another way I think is good is to react to adverse events, such as: if you are in a traffic jam say I cannot prevent the delay, but it is not the end of the world if I am a bit late.
Instead of being aggressive to other road users, react in a positive manner to them. These people are in the same situation as yourself, so be tolerant. It will help your stress levels if you say I have been helpful this time and that drivers may be appreciative. You must avoid situations that may cause conflict. The principal you can adopt is the same as before, I cannot change other road users, but I can control my reaction to them. To avoid a conflict in a situation, actually say to yourself, is it worth the hassle, I dont want stress or even being hurt by other people. Finally congratulate yourself on diffusing conflict.
b) Always plan ahead, such as have an alternative route or schedule. To help you as well, it is best to be comfortable in your vehicle. This can be your driving position or keeping the car cool, e.g. use of the air conditioning, listen to music that you like. If you travel a long way with children make sure they are well entertained. Distract yourself from things that could cause you stress. Again this could involve listening to music of your choice.
Relaxation in difficult situations is another way to relieve stress whilst driving. The 2 areas of relaxing yourself are reducing muscular tension & breathing. Firstly to reduce tension, I find that stretching legs and arms whilst in stationary traffic. Also let your grip on the steering wheel be a bit less then your arms relax naturally. Often when you are tense your breathing becomes faster. To ease this, I find that taking 2 slow, deep breaths holding for 2 seconds and then release slowly helps. You can then breathe normally.
I hope the above helps any of you that are finding driving stressful.