The statistics about teen driving accidents are alarming, primarily because of lack of driving experience, and also with a new found freedom, teens may test their driving abilities to the maximum, which can be fatal(The Worli accident last week). Thus, its possible that the way a teen drives with a parent or adult in the car is different from how he/she drives with his/her friends in the car.
In the case of senior citizen drivers, their reflexes and response time may be slower than most drivers, increasing their risk to not responding to varying driving situations quickly.
Only practice and experience can make one a good driver. Most of the highway crashes are due to driver inexperience or callousness. To become a good and alert driver, one must follow several rules:
Give driving full attention. Dangerous distractions like talking to passengers or talking over the phone, adjusting a car stereo, or eating should be avoided.
Drive defensively.
Learn to drive in different situations like highway driving, night driving, or driving under various weather conditions.
Have knowledge about the emergency situations like skidding or tyre blowout.
Obey the rules of the road.
Adjust seating.
Adjust mirrors.
Fasten seatbelt.
Start engine(check dash warning lights and familiarize with positions of the key, i.e., ignition/accessories, etc.).
Select appropriate gear(in an automatic transmission, foot must be firmly on brake).
Release handbrake(pull up a little, press button, and hold).
Always maintain a good vision ahead and around your vehicle.
Stay alert and be prepared to react to the unexpected.
Drive at right speed and know when to slow down and stop.
Always wear the seat belt.(Remember princess Diana?)
Anticipate the mistakes or unsafe maneuvers of the other drivers.
Keep your eyes moving.
Watch for the reverse lights of any vehicle ahead of you.
Pay close attention to auto wallas, cows, dogs or when driving in the vicinity of playgrounds, schoolyards, and shopping center parking lots.
Be cautious of bicyclists or children playing anywhere.
Do not drive if you have been drinking, are on medication, or are very tired.
Keep the vehicle in good working order.
Obey the rules of the road
Use your horn liberally to warn pedestrians or other drivers of possible trouble or to avoid accidents.
Use headlights in rain, snow, fog, in evening, or early morning.
Allow extra space between heavy-vehicles, motorcycles, or bicycles and your vehicle.
Never overtake on a turning.
Never engage in racing or drive on a bet.
Do not drive in another drivers blind spot.
Do not sway in and out of traffic.
Avoid catching sleep while driving.concentrate hard on the road.
Be aware of the construction or speed reduction signs.
If you plan to drive a long distance, stop and stretch after every two hours.
Slow down in unfamiliar areas.
Because you must be in control of your vehicle at all times, it is important that you remain alert and responsive. You not only need good vision, you need good hearing as well. You should never drive:
When you have been drinking alcohol
When you have taken any prescription or over-the-counter medicine that can cause drowsiness
If you are under the influence of any drug
When you are very tired
When you are emotionally upset(Anger and depression can cause you to drive carelessly).
As a mature driver, you should constantly re-evaluate your driving skills. Here are some tips.
Choose the time and the road thats best suited to your driving ability.
Avoid driving at night. If unavoidable then choose a well-lighted driveway for night driving.
Stay alert when driving to compensate for any declines in vision, hearing, or reaction time.
Keep information on public transportation, taxi services, etc on hand in case you need an alternative transportation mode.
Share driving time with people.
Keep your drivers license, car documents, PUC certificate, etc.
Modern cars are manufactured to very safe standards and the environment in which theyre driven is engineered to minimize the injuries occurring during an accident. The most difficult area to change is aggressive driver behavior and selfish attitudes. This is often dealt with by enforcement measures.
Research shows that the incidence of road accidents involving learner drivers is very low. However, having passed their tests and driving unaccompanied without L-Plates(bearing theLearner sign), these drivers join the highest road accident risk group.
Even the most experienced drivers make mistakes. Regardless of how many years one has been driving, at some point he/she will have to face mechanical failures, bad weather conditions, unskilled drivers on the road, unpredictable pedestrians, and drivers who ignore traffic regulations.