Supermarkets here in the U.S.are mainly food stores with some general merchandise items. My advice is to never go there when you are hungry. Being hungry and shopping for food dont mix! You tend to purchase much more than you really want or need because everything looks good to you when you have an empty belly. Youll wind up with a lot of junk food as well. Even chips, cookies, candies and cakes will look good and you will pick them up without thinking.
Alway have some sort of a list when you go. Walking up and down the aisles will allow you to pick up too many impulse items. Make sure you have your list of what your meals will be for the week and what items you will be needing to prepare them. Im not saying that if you find an item that you normally use on sale for a good saving dont purchase it. Im saying that if its something you wont be needing this week and you wont be saving money.leave it in the store for someone else! try to stick to your list the best you can.
Also, try not to bring your children or spouse with you. They also tend to pick up lots of unnecessary items.
Buying larger sizes do not always mean savings. First, if you wont use the large economy size and wind up wasting some of it, your savings go down the drain. Second, larger sizes do not always bring savings. Check prices per ounce and youll see what I mean.
And lastly, Keep a budget in mind when you shop. Know what you are spending and use store coupons whenever available.
Have a good shopping trip!