When ever I use to go outside for the dinner or outing, I like that I should enjoy my dinner or outing. Every thing should be cool, enjoyable, lovable and meet my expectation which I have in my mind. If I am going outside, I prefer that restaurant should be good not in the sense of the interior but also to the quality wise. Doesnt matter if the price are expensive but once the person start eating the food, he/she will autmaticaly says woh, good food. Secondly the the presentation should be good. The person who is serving the food, he should be groomed and needly serving the food in the table. The utensil should be good and glasses should be sparkling. The food should be tasty and presentable and otherthing is that after serving or having finished all the items every things should be palced on the table to clean the hands and nappkin should also be there. After that if you are satisfy with all the process then one can easily think that the stewards and the restaurant is really a appreciable and deserve for the tips.
Person should not only give the tips but also give its remarks of appreciation. That is what I feel.