Revolt against the ones with narrow visions for they giveth 5 stars to the quality of life in India- is probably what dispels from your seething eyes at this rating. With a behemoth of problems surrounding us and our country, how can this... this idiot be let loose to be blindly optimistic of a future that I see not??!!
Try $5 for a plate of gol gappas in New York and tell me if you enjoy that like you would in Chandi Chowk or that hawker stalled outside your home. Grab a pan after a good meal from that panwaadi who recognizes you after months, ask directions from anyone and they will actually stop their engines to get across the route to you. Anybody can talk to you because they feel you are approachable. That my friend, is quality of life. Not an ipod, not a fast car.
What am I getting at here?
Oh yes, them roads look nicey nicey, them Autobahns and all; and our roads sucketh!!
Well, my fellow sufferers if I may, question is, what are you doing with a life and energies that you can summon if you are pouring it down the coffers of another nation? Yes, we have problems, but the life we enjoy here is undoubtfully the best we can live compared to any other. We are the kings and queens of where we go, the land we traverse through, because it is ours. No one ask us to remove our socks at our airports to check what we are hiding in our toes, or ask us for our passports just because the color of our skin is a shade off.
The ones who do not belong here but drop in for a dekho are consumed with jealousy for they will not ever belong to this wonderful country like you and I. We have the intellectual wealth to make this the most powerful entity on the planet but we sell out easily. It takes nothing much to love your country and make this the best place with the quality of living you aspire for. Simply things like not littering makes this country a much cleaner place because someone else mirrors your actions. So set an example. I hear that a man keeps himself like he keeps his car. I shall now apply this to my country. India, I love you. One step at a time and lets start with keeping this place clean. Just dispose off junk at bins. Carry them back with you from beautiful, natural settings.
Overwhelmed with a carpe deim is this fool who dances upon that hill and is serenading songs of love for his nation. Yes, I am a fool for fools fall in love. I am soaked in adoration for this nation of mine. And I implore you to be the lover that I am. Lets turn a treasure from what waits for it and it will come from the love, the shear love from you and I.