Here are some general tips on travel in India.
- Always try things which a country is know for. and India is know for its.
( a) Indian food and Cuisine such as famous dosa.
( b) Mughal architecture and monuments such as Taj Mahal one of the Wonders of the world.
( c) Wildlife such as Asiatic tiger, lions and rhino
( d) Different traditions and cultures
( e) Beautiful hill station of india such as kashmir and munnar in kerala.
Be aware of monkeys when travelling in India because I had a bad experience with them one of the money took my glasses and ran off in Jaipur.
Always bargain specially if you are a foreigner because looking at them sellers just double the rate of the stuff.
4.Take care of your stuff as I remember when I was at chandni chow about 2 years ago someone took my wallet and I didnt even get to know about it but the good part is that it had only rupees 150.
Thank you.