I recently moved to Candid Web Hosting from another host provider and I wanted to mention that the speed and uptime has been fantastic. Voice support has been equally great.
This is just a message to say I am VERY impressed with the services provided by Candid Web Hosting. I spent 6 years with my last hosting provider and towards the end the network became too slow and there was excessive down time. I lost clients because of the poor services from my last provider. Since switching to Candid Web Hosting, Ive had fast service, assistance from top-notch personnel and no down time.
A new domain was not resolving properly. They worked on it right then and there, with me on the phone. It took about 10-15 minutes to resolve, but the service was professional, personalized and well coordinated with what I needed to do. Before, I had never heard of this quality of service coming from a hosting provider.
Also, thanks for putting up with all my requests and questions - I appreciate that. Happy and impressed! THANKS!