The most important part that needs to be completed once your website is designed and developed is to look for a website which will fulfill all your needs.
The typical features which every website owner will look for while registering with a website hosting company are price, bandwidth, web space, domain service, technical support etc.
The first and the most important feature that a website owner will look out for is thePrice of the hosting package. I would like to suggest you that if your website is in its initial stages then while selecting a web hosting package, one should check the price of the package on yearly basis.
What happens is that sometimes the web hosting owner may provide you a web hosting plan at a cheap price for the first year but at the time of renewal, it may cost you more.
If the traffic on your website is less then go for shared web hosting. But if the traffic is more then you may go for a VPS/Cloud web hosting or a dedicated web hosting.
One of the most important points which you must check before signing for a web hosting plan is to check all the various services which they are going to provide you in advance.
If you dont know them then I would suggest you to contact your friend or anypne else who is using the web hosting service.