Now Ive tried GoDaddy and I have tried BigRock. Right away, you notice that every company other than GoDaddy charges more(or at least, used to). To register a domain name for instance, BigRock usually charges Rs.50 to Rs100 more than GoDaddy. At least, thats the way it used to be up until one month ago. Now, they seem to have dropped their prices. BigRock and the other Indian hosting companies didnt even offer you the ability to host multiple websites on one hosting account until very recently. But theres one thing about the Indian hosting companies that still isnt cheap – they require you to sign up for at least 12 months of hosting at a time. GoDaddy lets you do it a month at a time.
And then there is the matter of customer support. I am new to building websites. I dont really know the ins and outs of it. Every time I ask GoDaddy for help with a simple or complex issue, I get a detailed, well-written answer within a couple of hours. For instance, I asked them about what I could do to install my primary domain in a separate folder instead of the root folder. Their answer described a pretty complex process involving setting up a fictitious domain name as the primary domain, setting IP addresses differently and so on. It was written in language simple enough for me to understand.
I cant imagine customer service in any kind of technical place using such great communication skills to explain a technical procedure to a lay customer. When I assembled my first computer 10 years ago, I bought genuine Windows XP to install in it. I had a question about downloading updates and saving them to CD-R then. I called Microsofts customer service, and the service person gave me a completely incorrect answer and said that it was not possible to save those updates. I called Dell to buy a computer around the same time and they told me that I would not get UltraIDE on my computer because that would be too expensive( in truth, every computer has that). I called IBM about the cache size of their hard disks and they had no idea what I was talking about. I called Apple about an iMac and they insisted that the iMac was a laptop(when in fact, it is a desktop).
And amid such an industry that employs such truly incompetent customer service personnel, is GoDaddy that can give me a coherent, technically correct answer in beautiful, understandable language. Every single time. Have you ever heard of such a thing? They deserve an award for this.