Hi ALL, As a system admin and L-3 web admin, iam suggesting one thing, Never purachse india based hosting accounts.iwill tell you clearly. USA/German based hosting account are verycheapand feature rich. by spending 300 rs per month you can get 70 GBspaceand 900 GB bandwidth with all features( php, mysql etc.) isthispossible in india?ypu need to pay thousands and thousands .
Allmost all providers in india just suck*ng indian customers with veryhighrates. with$70 you can dedicated server in USA, which you canoperatefrom here. FOr shared hosting accounts also if you put$5 youcan getamazing deals with 24x7 customer supportyou can checkhttps://servage.net or https://godaddy.com etc etc sites.So my advicenever purache hosting accounts from indian proivders.all most allsimply ripping you . they are just reseller of USA hostingaccounts.Just goto https://webhostingtalk.com - it community basedforum checkthere you will get very good information about hosting andhoe easy andcheap. THrere is still not much knowledge in indiancustomers in hostingtechnology which is enabling local guys to ripyour money.if you needany advice for free just send mail to big2all@gmail.com iwill help youto choose best provider.
Unix admin
As Iam getting mails asking best hosting.ok here some of them which I tried .
Unix/Linux based(php, perl, rubby, shell, mysql, apache, 24x7 help desk - help with in 20 mins)
1.servage.net - very very best ( you cancontact me atadmin@linuxadminsupport.com for any help with thisprovider - Iam oneof the customer)
2.hostdepartment.com(php, perl, mysql, free static ips, ssls, apache, 24x7 live chat, 24x7 helpdesk). GO for unlimited developer plan only
*Windows/.net, asp.net
1.hostdepartment.com ( unlimited developer plan, unlimited mssql dbs, custom dlls, .netcomponets . instant help via live chat24x7 - 365 days)
Iam using above service proiders past 1 year with out anyproblem. so give them a try ALL COMES WITH 30 MONEY BACKsystem. SO guys give them a try anf see
ANy help send a mail to admin@linuxadminsupport.com -
ALL ABOVE GIVE FREE DOMAIN so no need to register/purchase new domain .
NEVER purchase domains from indiatimes . (https://domains.indiatimes.com) nothing there support is worest andwill no reponse AND once they register domain - they never give youyour domain control panel logins - so
go for https://godaddy.com OR registerfly.com ( 24x7 help and excellent billing system)