Indian classified website papaclassified
*In India we have a huge internet users and people like me who wanted to sell any second hand item for that people are looking for online classified and I can say
is one of the best solution for that kind of work.
Few days back I wanted to sell my xiaomi mi3 device and I created a classified ad and submitted it to many websites but unfortunately no buddy contacted with me for buying it.
I tried hard and I posted this ad on as many as possible classified sites but noting works for me and then finally someone says me why you are not using papaclassified then I found it and submitted it to papaclassified network and after 2 weeks I got my very fist call and I did sell it.
How it works, actually I found a very nice article on papas classified they told me after publishing your ads please share it on your social media accounts and and I followed this simple steeps I shared it on many social media accounts like facebook, twitter, pin, tumbler and etc. and it really woks for me you guys and also try this method for getting more expose for your classified ad on Internet.*
May be it wont give you instant results but try these simple steps it really work after sometime.
*Another thing to know before submitting ads.
According to my experience dont just submit your classified ad on internet please do little research or try to make your ad more attractive with following steps.*
Click A Fresh Image.
Images tells the story without reading any word so make sure your fist impression will be nice or need and clean.
Provide Genuine Details.
Because with these sites you are directly trying to make deal with other people and I can say you guys are not getting success in your deal if you are not providing any genuine detail so make sure are you offering all details to other person.
Price Makes Your Ads More Attractive
Think before adding any price One important think to remember dont try to make money with the help of classified if your product and second and item is overprices people can ignore you and they might dont even trying to call you and negotiate.*
You Should Need to Use It Once Website -