Everyone here might be using Emails but the fact is no one knows how dangerous it could be responding to few of those Emails that you received.
Any Email that you respond make sure that you have a clariry of their background or detail from where they are from and is that mail a fake or real one? To know that you need to do a simple check. For examole if you get any mail in the name of your bank in which you hold account saying that Your account was tried to get hacked please prevent it by providing security to it and login here. Few people get panicked and enter their login details without thinkung for a second and by the time it takes you to your banks site, 1st it takes all your login details to your hacker to whom you provided data and account gets hacked!
To prevent that, you need to check or confirm the mail from which you received is a real or fake id. For that type that organisation or comopanys name in google and check the accurate email id because sometimes even a dot can miss away from you eyes and you may get into conclusion that its a real id.