*I have used Internet for my work, pastime, making friends, gaining knowledge, blogging, solving my problems & knowing myself. My realization(like blank cheques) compelled me to write this article.
I will write about the websites, which helped me(free of cost) to be what I am today. There’s a grave chance that my favorite websites may hitherto be unknown to most of my readers. Also I am aware that this review may change the impression about me. But I can’t help being me, & I must write what I am.
Disclaimer:The article represent writer’s personal favorites. There’s no guarantee that it will be useful to readers in any way. Reading this article may compel readers to browse the sites mentioned, which will eat-up huge amount of their productive time. fe does not take any responsibility of the reader’s physical, metaphysical or mental state after the browsing experience. Also, the reader shall be solely responsible for retaining his/ her job.
1. I frequently think about death. Its not that am afraid of it, but as some wise man said, I just don’t want to be there when it happens. When will I die(naturally)? Where will I go? Searching for answers I found **deathclock.com.
Basic input info like DOB, BMI(body mass index) smoking habit & mode(optimist, pessimist, sadist or normal) is required. While I had the objective info, I was confused whether I can be termed as an optimist, normal or pessimist. Read on to find out how I derived by mode.
Once the input information is given the site returned the exact year, month, day of my death. Not only that, a clock is displayed on the screen immediately with a long number in seconds counting backward. The caption tells me “you have 1690908008 seconds to live…7.6…5…4.
Believe me, its tough to stare at the clock for long.
You can find out how to accelerate or delay your death as well. Available other useful info on health tips, how famous people died etc. There are FAQ’s answered like life after death, heaven or hell etc.
I will die on Thursday, October 19, 2062.
( btw, the host of these useful page admits that he is not a Satanist, but expects o go to hell by signing licene agreements & using Microsoft products)
- To decide my mode, I found this useful site called tickle.com. Here you have to fill up quick online questionnaires to find out very important facts about yourself, whether you are a Casanova or Sex icon, party animal or party blooper, duffer or street-smart, lady-killer or womanizer, gay, straight or bisexual(its important to check, even if you are happily married or about to go for your Honeymoon). I found I am an optimist, straight & weird.
I have also checked my IQ & I was surprised to see the result comes quite near to any genius. The IQ certificate is given free to geniuses; else it is a paid issuance. I am sure readers will be quite convinced on the reliability of tickle.com.
As tickle says put life to the test. Believe me the results are eye opening. I found that 45% of my days are “bad hair days” & I am a “day dreamer” too.
- My profession, demands me to speak/ write like a Master of all subjects. I need to leverage that mastery in meetings & in my reports. While MS has a great parentage for our GK about movies & personalities on entertainment segment, but it seldom helps in accentuating customer focus, say in Real Estate / Financial sector. To write a kick-a ss report or to conduct a result-oriented(read, fixing the next date) business meeting or progress a deal I need to visualize revolutionary models extraordinarily & convincingly well. This skill is popularly known as Bullshitting. But bullshitting needs constant supply of latest phrases & words.
Otherwise how can I reach the paradigm of excellence & counter-control simultaneous re-engeering?
Go to https://erikandanna.com/Humor/bullshit_generator.htm & get virtually unlimited supply of bullshit. I am sure your meetings, repots & performance will not be same anymore.
Go ahead, empower best-of-breed interfaces.
- We need to seek solutions of our problems in life. With our present day isolated lifestyle whom shall we ask for advice? mentoshelpline.com has solutions for all 8 kind of problems( personal, medical, parental, love, work, day to day, seasonal & cricket).It is hosted by the makers of the same mentos candy, which comes for 50 p. There are executives who answers in text, email & through video clippings.
e.g.- personal problem: P-I don’t have enough clothes to wear. S- Work as a mannequin.
This is a profound site, & I can’t do justice in so few words. The best is to browse endlessly.
- Finally the ultimate shock site, which I accidentally discovered & got addicted too. The site simply can be termed as- shocking, sick & perverted. People who think movies like 300, Chainsaw Massacre or Saw are bloody, sick & gory & they feel like puking, I would say, those are like nursery rhymes compared to rotten.com.
As the skinny skeleton on the homepage suggests- “The soft white underbelly of the net, .to present the viewer with a truly unpleasant experience.
This is a US based legal site full of extremely graphic pics of accidents, fatalities, dead bodies, mutilation, abnormal sex, horrifying misanthropic descriptions with captions & text giving additional & associated info. The caption indicates obnoxious humour content as well. An example- a head without the body with a balloon beside it. The caption is “ micky mouse can be seen in the balloon”.
Various sections has self-explanatory titles- e.g. fcuk of the month, celebrity nudes. For starters- do read dedicated reviews on this site on MS, which it truly deserves.
But why rotten.com?
Sometimes we tend to feel that our life sucks. If you ever feel you don’t have a good life & feel depressed then go browse rotten.com. You will love your life, your being & everything what you are after you close the browser window. It is like taking a stroll in hell. You may loose your appetite & peaceful sleep for months, if you have weak nerves & heart. I can only think of *walker, *who probably can digest this site. I don’t recommend this site to anyone else.
I was in a dilemma whether I should write this article after becoming a Star writer. Normally one should write about the journey on MS: an introspection. But, only normally.* Is it weird anymore if the weirdness is expressed normally? Simlar paradox is described by Joseph Heller in his famous book. Also, this is my 22nd review. Hence the review title.
Before you leave cursing me, go to https://home.comcast.net/~wolfand/. It will take 5 mins, just turn on the pop-up blocker. I knew there is my Guru, somewhere out there.
Hope you will synthesize with my sticky bandwidth. Take your time.