The Internet offers us a whole wide valuable world of information on our finger tips. Sometimes to search for the exact information you are looking for can be as tough as finding a needle in the haystack .There are all sorts of search engines available that go crawling over the web at the click of you finger.Here are some power tips to help you hit a bulls eye with you search.
Be precise A very important Tip is to be as exact and precise in your search as possible.Dont be scared in telling the search engine what you are looking for. To book a movie ticket in Imax dont go by movie or booking or mumbai movies. Type the exact phrase Imax Adlabs ticket booking. You will be surprised by the results.
Addition If you want to be sure that the search engine looks for all the keywords in the search phrase and not just some of them, use the + symbol.
For eg: If you want to find out about James Bond movie Die another day, use James+Bond+Die+another+Day .
Subtraction Use this symbol to omit a particular keyword.
For eg: You want to cook your dear husband a chicken dish today but there are no onions at home. Key in Chicken+recipes -onions. This will give you pages having both chicken and recipes but no onions.
Multiplication Or using wildcards . By typing an * at the end of a keyword, you can search for the word with multiple endings.
Example: Try wish*, to find wish, wishes, wishful, wishbone, and wishy-washy .
Using quotation marks Also called as doing a phrase search. Sometimes the results may have all the keywords you entered but one at the beginning and one at end and totally unrelated. By using a phrase search you tell search engine to give you pages where the terms appear in exactly the order you specify.
Eg: For eg to find lyrics for Nirvana typecome as you are
When in doubt, use lowercase text in your searches.When you use lowercase text, the search service finds both upper and lowercase results. When you use upper case text, the search service finds only upper case. Example: When you search for paris, youll find Paris, paris, and PARIS in your result pages. However, when you search for Paris, youll only see Paris in the result pages.
Hope this helps you in getting your search right the first time.