As a member of Aol you get the choice of making a web page, to me this was a good way of trying to have a go at making some money, as a self- employed person I like to find ways of working from home.
Hopefully over the next few years I will have found enough things to keep me busy on the net and a small income so I can earn from home.
After all the web space is free, you might as well have a go.
My web page is
I have joined affiliated groups that pay me a couple of pence each time anyone clicks onto a banner which is on my web page.
These are easy to put on your page as you just add the hmtl to your page which is given to you by the company your affiliated with.
The first thing to do is to make your page about whatever interests you, mine is about winning prizes and shopping on line.
After you are happy with the page you have made, the next thing to do is to get your url added to various search engines. Make sure that you have added mega tags to your page then the search engines will be able to list your page.
Once you have done this, it is better to try and get your site added to as many search engines as possible and this can be done free by typing( add free url)into the search box of your computer. It will then come up with a list of sites that can help you add your to.
You can also buy a domain name to go with your address, this can be any name you like and can be bought for around 3 pounds a year.
Even though my page is not finished yet, as I have more things of interest to add onto it, you can still have fun making one.
I have links to lots of things of interest, youll have to visit if you want to know what, as Im not sure I can mention the names of other survey sites on here.
Have fun