is a creation of Mirza Muzaffer & Nitin Jain who both are students . They have done a good job in their attempt to present Organic Chemistry with a practical touch. Their motive is to develop an interest in students while learning Organic chemistry along with fun and creativity. Chemistry students will be greatly benefitted by this site. Others can also have a look to see what is going on in the Chemistry world. I appreciate the youngsters for their excellent work .
The site has a simple layout. There is an Articles column, which hosts articles which are contributed by teachers, professors and students. If you wish to contribute to that column, you can mail it to
This is an interesting site , which deals with the Study of Organic Chemistry. You will find great information on topics such as
The study of Organic chemistry :
Chemistry of Carbon :
Formulae For Organic Compounds :
Chemical Bonding etc
If you wish to Know that why we drop tears from our eyes while cutting Onions, this is the place to go and find out the reason ! There are many other interesting stuff in this site.
Facts column has some interesting facts. One for example,
“ Polystyrene may be best known for its coffee cups, but most polystyrene is used to make rigid durable products, such as television cabinets, appliances, toys, compact disc jewel cases and audiocassette cases”.
There is a periodic table of the Elements. Forum column enables you to discuss and solve queries as regards their coverage of Organic Chemistry. This section will be useful for the students to think on the subject and express their understanding. Students and teachers both can send in their questions which will be answered by others from which the best possible answers will be selected and displayed every fortnight.
Leisure page is nice. They feel Leisure and chemistry go hand in hand because the enjoyment you derive from the leisure reduces your stress by reducing the stress causing hormones in you. You have to read the joke, which is supposed to make you stress free. It is the story of the three friends and their solubility!!!
There is a news column and links to other Chemistry sites. Chem@home section gives an activity as to how to simulate a volcanic eruption. Organic Dictionary Contains definitions of the terms which are often used in the Organic Chemistry.
These youngsters have tried to convey to the students a feeling of excitement about Organic chemistry along with some creativity, activities and fun; I highly recommend you all to check out this site. I am sure youll be much impressed like me.