This is my first review in mouthshut. First let me tell about myself. I have been involved with computers from 1995 which was a 286 PC. Later I got to use many other computers. I have some experience in website development also. I have helped many of my friends to build websites.
Now for the review. I always thought of Internet as a source of information, not as a source of income. I was a believer that though you can make money on the internet, it was difficult to do so and moreover the time required to keep the site running would drain us - both time and money.
Then I came across this wonderful website which opened my eyes to the truth. While it is true that maintaining the site is a burden by itself, this wonderful website made it easy for people to build a business on the web even if they did not know about html, graphics, ftp etc..
No, this is not a get rich quick scheme and what impressed me was the set of tools that were provided to help us. This tool is known as Site Build It(SBI in short). After researching the net, I got hooked about making money on the internet. I searched for various tools on the net to ease my job. To be honest I did not want to spend 4-5 hours a day on the website and I did not expect a HUGE income too. I was going to do this in my part time. So any income from the website was ok with me.
I always thought that you need to have a product to sell on the internet. Then I learnt that it was not the case. Information is valuable and any information you may have is worth money. The Site Build It is a set of tools. With these they let you select the look and feel of the website. Then they are automatically submitted to the search engines, ranked, you are given advice on how to improve the search engine ranking, amd many many more(In fact it is so big that it would need a page for itself).
The best part is that it can be use by ANYONE from people who are running a business or want to start one or sell through internet, absolutely anyone. You can use this even if you do not know html, javascript, ftp, whatever-about-net.
The only thing you NEED to know is what you want on the website, the content. Anyway the I felt that the brainstorm and research tool alone is worth the money. It is very hard to describe this tool. I am highly impressed. But I think each one should atleast look at it once.
Then one last thing about the site. You are given an Action Guide. This is not some boring manual. The guide contains the steps to be taken for 10 days to finish the site. Thats right, it gives you step-by-step plan. Just follow the guide to the BOOK and you should have a profitable web business up and running in 10 days.
Then all you have to do is maintain the website, But it would be breeze with the tools provided.
Check it out for yourself.
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