This word "Pranayam" derived from Sanskrit, the word PRANA means breath or kind of energy and AYAMA means Control.
That is why it can called as "BREATH CONTROL", this is a kind of Yogasana.This is very beneficial to human life.
By controlling the breathing activity one can get relaxation and many benefits.This is type of Yogasana.Pranayam contains many kinds of ayamas such as Bhastrika Pranayam, Anulom vilom, Bhramari, Kapalbhati, Bahya, Udgeeth Pranayam.
These types will help in many ways.The paranayam increases the life of human, improves concentration, and blood circulation, useful for healthy Heart, gives better mental health, improves the quality of life, keeps the body organs actitivity properly, reduces Asthama, headache, anger, depression of mind, etc.I am doing this Pranayam and many Yogasana since one year, i am feeling very happy and healthy.Overall this is very useful for everyones healthy life.So i suggested to many friends to do Pranayama.This is very good and best Asana for life.