I was just in a hospital, here in the U.S. that I wouldnt recommend to anyone wanting good care!
I went into the hospital emergency room just over a week ago. I was treated well in the emergency room and got to be examined in less than an hour. (Thats pretty good for an E.R. here in the states.
When I got to the room and testing began, I was treated like a piece of meat! Nurses sticking me with no regard to whether or not they were hurting me. Poking and prodding with no regard to vanity. (At least close the door or pull the curtain!)
I was taken to have ex-rays done and a C.A.T scan with the kindness of on ogre pushing me around.
When I was administered an I.V. the nurse left the room before seeing if the line was safely in and not bleeding. Well, it was not. As blood started dripping out of my I.V. line I buzzed for the nurses 4 times and finally someone sounding too busy to be called, answered and said someone would be in shortly. Well, shortly turned out to be 1 hour and 10 minutes later! And the person who came in was just on regular rounds and had never gotten my message about the bleeding! She fixed the I.V. line and I had to ask her to change the bloddy sheets on the bed twice before she finally got some sheets and asked me to help!
I was put on a sugar and salt free semi-liquid diet and was brought oatmeal with sugar, some unknown soup, a salad jello with sugar and coffee.you guessed it, with sugar. I asked for tea since I am not a coffee drinker and today, a week after leaving the hospital, Im still waiting for tea.
The Dr. came once in the 3 days I was ther just to tell me that I required more tests. I had the 2nd round of tests and never saw any Dr. again.
I got out of my bed, flagged down a nurse, asked to have all I.V. lines removed and left the hospital on my own, all the while having people asking me to please stay and they will work things out.
I went to see my regular Dr. in his office, he got the hospital results of the tests and treated me in my home! With the medications he gave me and the long talks we had, we worked out what the condition is that I have. It turns out that I have a condition called Crohns Disease, which is an intestinal disease that the coffe and/or tea would have made even worse!(Caffeine) And the salad would have put me into pain!
I am now on special diets and lifelong meds, but I am alive! And I will never put myslef in the hands of uncaring, to busy to help nurses in that hospital again!