Pro-Choice: believing that every woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body.
Pro-Life: believing that you should not go through with an abortion because it ismurder.
-I know this may seem as though it is in an inappropriate category, but this is the best I could find. Please judge my article by the writing and content. Thank you!-
Those Labels
Ive begun to realize that unjust labels popularly known asPro-Choice andPro-Life are somewhat contradictory.
Those who are behind Pro-Life must have created these labels. Think about it: both sides are fighting for life. If you are opposed to abortion, then you are thinking only of the life of a child. If you are for abortion, then you are thinking of the life of a woman, and how it can be affected by a pregnancy that was unexpected or unwanted.
Twisting Words
Most Americans who claim to be Pro-Life tend to have disgustingly graphic ideas of how an abortion is conducted, and voice their opinions of it with these ideas. They also like to make it sound as though abortion is murder, the same thing we are doing to Timothy McVeigh. Unless we are speaking of illegal abortions, I will tell you that it is a simple surgery where you inobtrusively, and safely take out the fetus.
In some cases, it has not yet even developed into a fetus. In fact, it is just mere tissue. Believe it or not, a girl who worked on my high schools newspaper this year was able to publish a gaggingly graphic article about what happens during an abortion. Now the whole school believes grown babies are being killed by needles in a womans stomach. I couldnt believe the principal had let something like that be published, when he knew 1, 500 naive teenagers would be reading it.
Agreeing To Some Extent
Now, I do agree to an extent with those who are Pro-Life. I would never think a woman who is past 5-6 months pregnant should conduct an abortion. And if Im not mistaken, that is the farthest along you can be, before it is illegal.
I also believe that if a woman is physically able to bear a child, but not emotionally or financially ready to raise it, that she should resort to an open adoption(strictly open adoptions). However, I believe a girl who is 16 or younger is hardly physically able to bear a child. Especially since she could have only begun her menstrual cycle a few years earlier. She is not ready at all.
Hard Circumstances
Contemplate this scenario: a woman is raped and had no defense. She was brutally beaten, and given the HIV/AIDs virus. Two months later she finds out that she was impregnanted by the rapist, and that she is now supposed to have his child. She defiantly decides an abortion is the best thing to do, especially when she finds out the heartbreaking fact that she has AIDS. Do you expect her to raise a child while she has AIDS? Do you expect her to go through a birth of a child that was conceived during a rape? Do you expect her to try to raise a child that has AIDS? Hard to say she shouldnt have gone through with an abortion now, huh?
I am not at all religious, and I think that someones faith does take a huge part in which they believe: Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. All I can think to say to people whose opinions are guided only by their religion is GET A MIND OF YOUR OWN. I would never dare let a silly book tell me what to believe.
I research subjects and think things through before I go on believing them. To just mindlessly let your parents stick you straight to a religious faith, and to stay with it all of your life is like being a puppet on strings. Well, speaking with no pun intended(LOL Kristina): theres no strings attached to this girl.
Not Murder. A New & Healthy Beginning
I do trust when I say that abortion is not murder. When people say the mother of the child feels great remorse after the abortion is done and over with, I thoroughly believe that this is due to the stereotype that Pro-Life activists have placed upon what an abortion is.
The mother hears people saying abortion is murder, so it is not very surprising that after she has gone through with the surgery, she will hear those words play over in her head. A woman is more often told that she should not have an abortion because she is just killing a person inside her. This is not true and Im amazed that people could assume such a thing without researching all there is to know about abortion outside of the debates.
In Conclusion
Just think for yourself. Before going ahead and believing what your told to believe, try getting up to date with the facts and realize that you as a person have the right to know what really is happening. Dont just believe that abortion is murder because a parent, sibling, friend, religion, or stranger on TV says it is. You have to remember that you, as an American and as a human being, have the right to research everything. You have the CHOICE.
You are the only one in control of your destiny.