Last week My friends mom was cribbing about her daughter working in the call centre.and calling it anti Indian .
lets get one thing clear at the outset. We Indians have the tendency to crib the moment we see somebody doing well. We do not give due recognition to people. This same logic follows when we talk about people working in call centres. We think they are corrupting Indian Society and they do not have any morals.But tell me what is this Anti Indian culture and in what way are they harming our culture?
First and foremost India is a developing country and countries are talking about India because of the Call centres. if you look at the number of people unemployed I think call centres being set up in India and providing jobs to a zillion is an excellent idea.
Agree, that most of them are young and join the call centres in their teens, but they do not depend on their parents to fund their life. I am not sure if standing on ones own feet and being financially independent is going against ones own culture. I also agree that these young guys and girls spend most of the money on clothes and accessories.but they are 20 year olds not some foggy head bureaucrats. They spend 12 hours to earn and its not a criminal offence if they want to have a good time. And anyways.where does this money go.its is pumped back into the economy.its simple logic the more you buy the more is
The whole point of call centres being dens of sex is just over hyped. Let me make it clear SEX is normal.2 young people getting attracted to each other is normal. yea and India is the land of kamasutra. You want me to believe that Sex did not exist before these call centres came in?
And the trivial quib about the accents.the BBC brit accent is patriotic and these accents are harming our culture.All this call centre talks is just hog wash.only people who have nothing better to do, talk about it.if only these people could go about their tasks.India would be a better place to live in.