I heard about call center and its business when I was in engineering third year. I saw, lot of customer care executives requirement in ascent and other job sites. That time the question arised in my mind, what is the benefit of attending calls? How this business feasible in India?
Simply, Call center is a place where customer called to enquire about products and services. This is inbound process.
When customer care executives call from Call center to general public or business houses for their services and facilities than process known as outbound process.
Generally outbound process is the one of marketing activity. Satisfying the outbound process customers is difficult than the inbound process customers. Reason is simple, intrest of person.
In outbound process, intrest of company or call center to sell their products and services. But in Inbound process, customer intrestingly call to solve their problem or enquire about products.
Call center business is completely depends on the clients. Clients are big business houses like Airtel Bharti, HSBC, ICICI etc. One call center can has many business house services.
Calling in call center or getting call from call center not cost to you. Calls are coming or going on toll free numbers.
Call center business is the activity originates from marketing and quality practices of the organizations. Now, competition is vibrant. Every company want to eat out its competitor. So they want to retain more and more customers. Customers retaining is possible only by the customer satisfaction. If you provide best quality services and customer care, than customer satisfaction will be possible. Call center is the one of solution to satisfy customers.
Considering the Indian Scenario of the call center-
This business boom came in India from last 4-5 years and it is continue. Outsourcing of US companies helped a lot of call center boom in India. Gurgaon, Banglore, Pune, Mumbai, Noida are the hub of call centers.
Biggest drawback of the call center is night shifts(international call center). Night shift work is against the general working time. So it adversely affect the health of call center employees. In domestic process, both day and night shifts possible but domestic call centers paying very less compaired to international call centers.
Life of call center is cheering. Weekend parties, cab facility, lots of young girls and boys employee, freedom, good money to spend, incentives, western lfestyle touch and many affairs. Frankly I heared many free sex relationships among employees.
Second drawback of the call center is safety reasons. In night, alone girl is not secured on Cab. You had heard the rape cases by cab drivers in night hours.
Also one of my friend who is in Gurgaon told me that drivers not drive carefully and overspeeding. This is because of less no. of cabs available. Also drivers sleepy in late night. Drivers sleep too less compared to general person. So call center executives take care of it that driver not feel sleepy during driving.
Sexual harrasment by the colegues and senior employees is the matter of concern.
One of the best thing come out from the call center boom is employment opportunities increased for the graduates who has no technical background. Only you speak proficient english. Indians are the largest english speaker and no such linguistic problem. So the most of US companies intrested to outsource their work in India.
So make calls when you wish to solve your problems. Maybe you will find Nice one answers.