Gotta Flamboyant lifestyle? The salary / allowance is not enough to take care of the ever rising expenses?
1990s Bollywood reaction to the above situation:-Kahan Jau.Kya karu.Din Raat Mazdoori karke maine tumhe pala hai.and all other these type of the famous " Bollywood dialogues" are a passe now.
2006s Reaction: Learn english, Earn in$ and never learn anything else again.thats right all you need to be good in, to be a great incentive earning voice excecutive is " good and fluent english with excellent accent and a OOOOOk vocab".
The young genration(-well I am 24 still I consider myself old.young guns are the ones about to enter the college life.) is impateient even to complete thg grad education, and wants to earn at a tender age of learning things and equipping themselves with knowledge.All they want is the " papi Paisa". .Nothing wrong in doing that.but what about the worksatisfaction, the urge to be creative? or do you just want to replace the electronic voices that sound typically boring?think think think.
What would you do ten years hence? B a team leader.head a so called quality process? or what?.The US companies pay you speak and speak and speak the same thing over and over again.and at the end of the day what have you learned and waht have you acheived." NOTHING".
I am not against the call center-But while chosing a job there we must always keep in mind the following critical points.
Call center may be good intermediate income source, let it not be the long term goal.
If you want to have a long term take on the CC then go in for the tech processes, which will add value to the knowledge base.
Try to Upgrade yourself to the KPOs instead of the BPOs and earn money and satisfaction both.
The last and most important issue " Never get lured by easy money, have the brain and brawn to fight out your way through the difficult career path and do some thing creative rather than being a " Higly paid receptionist"
So put your thinking caps on and ask yourself if Call centers " let you do, what you are really capable of?