What frustrates you most on Indian roads? how do you manage to keep cool?
FR-1: Bad traffic! Start early, identify potential roads known for heavy traffic and take alternate routes. This has been very successful for me. Besides I dont have to fight for parking space and I get the best:-)
FR-2: Over speeding vehicles. Give way and pray to God that he thunder bolts some sense to the over speeding idiot.
FR-3: Blaring horns Roll up your windows and put some soothing music to keep your cool.
FR-4: Blazing high beam headlights on rear side Use day and night type rear view mirrors. I find them pretty useful. One needs to get used it but the benefits are far higher than disadvantages.
FR-5: Blazing high beam headlights on front side Blink your headlights to indicate opp driver to dip down - in case he/she does not budge - well you are left with no option other than to use your own high beam to avoid accident. This is a very bad and dangerous practice. Any other alternative used by others?
FR-6: Big vehicles like Buses, lorries and all Tata and Mahindra UVs cutting into the lane on wrong sides Give way. Cursing them or fighting them is as good as kicking cow dung.
FR-7: Habitual honking idiot coming behind you. Typical trade mark will be that he / she will be pressing the horn, even though he/she is aware that there is no way for the vehicle in front to go forward. Listen to your favourite songs that are soothing to nerves. If possible to give way - do it first. FR-8: Speeding bikes between two cars. It is frustrating to see a biker speeding between cars so close that the idiot is not aware that he can harm himself by losing balance after hitting the side mirrors. More frustrating is for the car owner who has to payup for the expensive side mirrors.
FR-9: Watch out for those cyclist who tries to crossover the lane. Twice I had my cars paint scratched because of this cyclists stupid careless act.
FR-10: Tailgating from rear and blinking the head lights. Give way if possible. These type of idiots most likely will be either already in a fit of road rage or about to get into one. Best is to give way and drive in peace.
FR11: Incase you would like to stop and give way to the stranded pedestrians - try and make sure that there is no speeding idiot overtaking on either side. I encountered this situation recently and terribly shocked when a speeding auto over took me in the wrong side and narrowly missed the kids who were in front of my car and trying to cross the road. I had stopped my car after seeing the kids stranded in centre of the road. It was a shocking experience and even today I feel jitters when I recall it.
FR12: Two wheelers especially the "Bullet" riders driving in dead centre of the road and not giving way inspite of clear road ahead and slowing down the traffic. It is some kind of ego problem for these riders to give way for cars.
FR13: Stupid divers speeding on the wrong side of the road as if it is their birth-right. You can see these idiots at most of the traffic signals. Because of their dirty driving they cause inconvenience to other good drivers who follow the rules by causing traffic jams and in some case minor accidents again resulting in traffic jams.
To be added.