Traffic rules to follow in Pune
1> If u need to overtake any vehicle, u have to overtake from left. If u try to overtake from right make sure u dodge the vehicles coming from opposite side well coz u will have to do it from there lane.
2> U have to squeeze in ur vehicle whenever, wherever u see a space while driving and however small that be.u need to make ur own space.
3> The cycle walas have the first rite to drive on road(coz they r ecofreindly.), then comes the PMT buses, 6 seaters(though they are not.).
4> Parking: yes u wont find any parking on a widest raod in pune but surely will on the most smallest raod in sadashiv peth, laxmi raods n that too on both sides.
5>If u r travellin on JM road, Karve rod, MG rd, pune satara rd(swargate), SS rd, make sure u protect urself from the exhaust of the 6seaters and PMT buses( which puneites call the winter mist.thandi.;).)
6>If u r waiting for a signal to get green.keep in mind.u have to start before it gets green from red.( u need to develop that sense) so that u can atleas pass the next signal(which apparently falls just 10 mtrs ahead) before it gets red.
7>Lane thats a deleted word from the books of pune traffic.if u follow u might not reach ur destination on time.
8>And yes while driving behing any PMT bus make sure u keep a very safe distance.coz they have instructions(people friendly approach of pmt) to stop on the spot in the middle of the road(ofcourse near there bus stop) for there comuters to get into or out of the bus.
9>If u at all bump into other probs .just relax.u have to go ur way and the otherone goes his way.
10>If at all theres a small lane opening on ur main road, be carefull. u have to wait and look if no other vehicle is coming from that lane on your main road and then go ahead. They have the first rite to come on the main road and not you who are already travelling on that road.