I heard some one mention that drivers india are the most short tempered people ever.thats true!!!i also heard that they are the most disorganised drivers ever.thats also true!!i even heard that not a soul on the road follows the rules not even something called lane discipline.your right again!!i could go on and on about the complaints ive heard from a few visitors who come from foreign countries and that is the time you just feel like wrapping yourself up in a blanket and hiding from the embarasement.traffic in this country is probably the worst ever and is getting worse by the day.the reason ??? most of them are too ignorant to abide by the rules which is meant to help us get through jammed roads as quick as possible.
Vehicles are meant to make travelling easier and quicker for us , that was why the automobile was developed with so much enthusiasm.looks like people would rather walk down to their destination than rather take a car.why is traffic so bad?blame the government, look at our infrastructure its pathetic say the people.but how much longer are we all going to blame the government if we dont follow their implemented rules for traffic.it can really get your goat at times.sometimes its the driving that doesnt cause traffic snarls there are other reasons too.
Two Wheelers-
Indias most popular form of transport are the two wheelers.they are the bicycles, scooters and motorcycles.why is it popular?because they are cheap, can be manouvered through traffic quickly and fuel efficient.but one of the biggest menaces on the roads today.cycles are popular with the lower income group and you see them pedaling their bicycles everywhere.the main problem with these people is lack of traffic education.you can see them slicing across lanes on either side causing cars, buses , bikes etc to come to a screeching halt right next to them and then a few curses.most of they cyclists are ordered to travel on the extreme left handside of the road , but do they listen?yes u got it right NO is the answer.
the next title of pest on the roads are awarded to the motorcycles and scooters.due to poor public services and transport people are forced to find means of transport that are reliable and always there.so they just go out and buy a motorcycle or a scooter.since they are cheap and easily available the demand for these modes of transport have increased by a large amount.whenever a signal at a junction turns green you find a hoard of two wheelers buzzing out like a swarm of bees and then slowly other vehicles follow.these riders are noted for their erratic, disorganized , ignorant and sometimes rash riding which are one of the main causes for accidents these days.you find them shooting out of coners just skimming the door of the car passing by.some of them are not too fortunate though.these are the people who have absolutely no regard for lane discipline either.
they squeeze into tiny gaps just to get ahead and at times taken some nice metallic paint of your car.the worst habit they have is their braking.most of these riders brake just a meter away behind your car and if you are lucky they wont bump into you otherwise you will be visiting the insurance agent pretty soon.
Three Wheelers-
also known as the autorickshaws here in india, probably the most hated vehicle seen on the roads today.the people are the worst form of two wheeler riders with a vengance.the pattern of the driving is more like molecules moving around erratically in a heated gas.also the next form of accidents in this country as they have the mentality of a typical indian two wheeler rider but on a higher scale.the reason for this?most of these autorickshaws are acquired illegaly and most of the drivers have probably fake lisences.thus no traffic education, which leads to no driving test and no written test.the city roads are more like the race tracks of the indy 500 for them.
some of these drivers have bad habits of moving at speeds less than that of an old aged person moving with a walker, thus holding up fast moving traffic at the back while the road is open in front of them.god I just feel like torching those things at times.another problem we face with these autorickhshaws are that they tend to crowd at one point in a junction and battle each other to see who gets out first and get ahead, but they are so busy fighting for that tiny space that other vehicles are left stuck at the junction not moving with their desired speed.
Four Wheelers-
there arent many four wheelers in this country as there are two and three wheelers.due to rising traffic problems all the people who own cars are employing drivers or chauffers to get them around.most of these chauffers are uneducated about traffic rules too.they just love cutting you off just to see that vein throb on your forehead and then they yell at you like it was your fault.the taxis are probably the next form of disease on the road.by seeing them drive you can make out that they drive without any care as half the time they are on the wrong side of the road giving their passengers heart attacks even at the age of 20(im just kidding about the heart attack thingy).their driving is rash or sometimes too slow and they do all this in the wrong lanes.
now come the privately owned cars.with more cars being bought in the expensive segment of the car industry, these people have the thought that the road will be theirs if they pull up in a flashy car , most of the times forcing people of the road so that they can get that space.the two wheelers are the main victims of this malpractice.Buses are the next form of disease on the road.the buses being big and heafty , the drivers use it to bully other drivers in cars, two wheelers , pedestrians by throwing them off the road into the gravel or onto the pavement.even if they think it is good fun it has cost quite a few lives.
Temper Tantrums-
indias biggest form of road rage are the temper tantrums.people blow their top for minor and stupid incidents like blowing you car horn.my mother had to face the curses of a driver for this reason until I came to her rescue and they only way of getting them to shut up and calm down is to give them a hard rap across the face.i have even though I never resort to that kind of behaviour if the person persists he usually ends up getting one on the face.you find these people every where.they hold up traffic by even fighting in the middle of the road with billions of vehicles honking away behind.
a friend of mine even got a smack across the face for the most silliest reason.why did that happen?because he showed the turning signal on his bike instead of a hand signal.sometimes I think if you learn to drive in india you can learn to drive any where in the world.most these guys can even beat micheal schummacher on the race track (just a joke).
My Views-
most of the driving test taken when acquiring a lisence is only taken to see if you can move the car and change gears.lane discipline, parking, temper, abiding traffic rules are the the important parts of driving that the instructors are too lazy to look at.now with the rise in corruption at the RTOs a permanent lisence can be acquired for a sum of money without the tests etc.why curse the poor traffic system when you cant even follow the rules of the poor system either