Horrible service of meru genie.Yesterday I booked and did biggest mistake of my life.i called half an hour before but they told they wil assign but after calling 10times also they didnt assign a cab or send me driver details and it was 15mins late after my pickup time.sometimes they put me on hold.
Sometimes connecting to mumbai office.sometimes just say sorry and we will assign.finally after struggling so much they assigned me meru cab and told me to pay meru cab charges.on asking, the reply was madam arrange ur own transport and they have done a favor assigning me meru cab.
What the hell tel me half n hour before if u cant make it.Ipaid thrice of normal charges along with tension where I had to wait with luggage and kid on road.The worst expereince of my life.Never ever will book.I dont know so much high expense for such short trip.Horrible people.Its their strategy to loot people.God knows why they accept booking when they cant make it