I was employed by Headstrong/Genpact, in 2009-2011, NYC Location and then terminated for not showing my co-operation towards sexual favors, that the EM(Engagement Manager), and his wife at Client location were expecting from me.
I reported this to DOL(Department of Labor) and an investigation that was done, surprising facts came out and hundreds of such fraud cases were discovered. This company hand picks pretty young, sexy, big breasted females to be deployed at client locations.
That serves dual purpose- Eye Candy for Clients, as well as the male employees at the client location.
Every year the Visas(L1/H1/Business) that are filed is directly proportional to how well the reporting Manager is sexually satisfied with your services.
Send the pretty looking, big breasted, sexy married/unmarried female employee on L1/Business Visa, and then convert to H1B=equivalent to Modern form of Slavery.
The Salary that is being offered is as well way less than that of current market rate.