Here is a small story about - how things work at Genpact;
1) Once upon a time there was a Printer accessible to everyone in a HAPPY team, logistic team use to ensure availability of papers on daily basis...Life was very SIMPLE/ and there was a Easy going was able to concentrate just on there work and were very productive.
2) A Genpact Manager comes in and thought to Stream line this process, suggested that- logistic team will not put up the paper in printer everyday, now whenever papers get exhausted someone in the team has to raise a Helpdesk ticket and then logistic team will come and put on the paper again.
3) This Genpact Manager received a Award for a SIX SIGMA IDEA, got certified and promoted to next level...
4) Life become TOUGH because printer was not readily available and team need to raise helpdesk ticket and have to wait hours for logistic to supply papers, now it was Team responsibility to ensure paper availability not the logistics.
5) Another Genpact Manager comes in and thought to streamline this process and suggested that-only a manager(designated member) will have access to the printer and everyone else in the team have to request Manager/person to take a printout.
6) This Genpact Manager received a Award for a SIX SIGMA IDEA, got certified and promoted to next level.
7) Life become WORST for the team now since for a single page print out also they have to visit Manager/Person and justify the reason to print, team was not able to concentrate just on there work.
7) Slowly team stopped printing documents(whether official or non-official) due to COMPLICATION of a simple process.
8) Now the FRUSTRATED team is taking a print out of the documents(whether official or non-official) from outside(market/shop) ) by paying from there pocket.
Believe me, small issues like Printer access is actually big for a team who need it as a part of there daily job.
When you join in company you will find hundreds of such example...this one is a very high level overview of how Genpact-six sigma process culture and its implementation works...
Obviously, am among those frustrated people(70% of Genpact population), who want to "quit company" but cannot because of 3 month notice period and are passing time in relax mode.