I am actually surprised to see this mag listed under the Youth category because it is not really aimed at the youth but at a broader audience of people who are interested in reading quality articles on a variety of interesting topics. I have been reading this mag for over a year and I can honestly say that it is possibly the only mag in India today which delivers value for money. Their collectors issues which are released every 2-3 months are a delight. There have been special well-researched issues on Music of India , Post-war poets , Great Authors , Best Films and so on and they are delightful issues worth collecting. The writing is of a very high calibre and there is a section devoted to readers , one page where any reader can write an article on anything he wishes. The issues covered range from arts , films , music , politics , sports and much, much more. In short , if you like to read , do yourself a favour and buy a copy today !