Georgia on my Mind!!!
I am from Georgia. There is a lot to see and do there. You have the coast for the family vacations to the beach. Then you can go to North Georgia and be in the mountains. So there is a variety of climates in Georgia not to mention several attractions.
Georgia being the heart of the south. It’s great for history purposes. You have Savannah which is about 4 hours or less from Atlanta. Then you have the Olympics of 1996 which were held in Downtown Atlanta. This brings us to Centennial Park which they built especially for the Olympics. I was lucky enough to have tickets to the Games but I didn’t get to attend that specific day because I was 8 months pregnant and it the temperature was climbing to a mere 100º.
Then you have Stone Mountain and the village. At Stone Mountain you can climb to the very top of the mountain, ride up on the sky buckets, take a ride around on the train, go swimming at the lake, stay till dark and watch the laser show and fire works on the side of the mountain.
Another place to visit while in Atlanta, Georgia is Six Flags over Georgia. Its located just off I-20 about 25 minutes or less from Downtown going North.
The state capital is located in Atlanta.
Just outside of Atlanta in Conyers, Georgia you have the Horse Park which was built for the 1996 Olympics as well.Also in Conyers there is a lady who claims to see the Virgin Mary. She gets a lot of visitors there yearly. This has been on the news and in papers, so you might have heard of her.
Just east of Conyers you have Hard Labor Creek where some of the most famous Horror Movies were filmed. I am sure you know what I am talking about. If not does Friday the 13th ring a bell? Jason--chh chh chhh haa haa haa haa chh chh chh chh haa haa haa haa. Scary.
The mountains of North Georgia offer a wide variety of things to do. If you visit Helen, Georgia there is a Chattahootche River to go floating down. Take a trip to the falls. Several shopping malls and strip malls to see in the town of Helen.
Right outside of Helen there is Cleavland, Georgia. This is where the Cabbage Patch Kids are born at Baby Land General. They have a museum for you to tour and watch the babies being born from the cabbage patch every hour. You can also adopt the babies as they are born for a small price. Thats a wonderful experience for the little ones.
Hope this has given you a little insight about Georgia. The weather there is fairly comfortable. It does get hot in the summer. The winters are fairly cold but nothing like up North where they receive a lot of snow. Georgia doesn’t get many threats of snow. If so its nothing to fret about. Maybe an inch here or there.
Take some time out to visit the Grand State of Georgia. You’ll always have them on your mind when you leave.