GERALDS GAME is about one womans overcoming obstacles: literally, the handcuffs; figuratively, past bonds which threaten to destroy her future.
I read this book on a cruise. I couldnt put it down. I read it in 2 days. The great thing about Kings writing is you can picture everything just as if its happening. You feel like you are living it. Some parts are so scary and yet its Kings ability to cause your own imagination to conjure up horrors that may or may not come to pass.
While the past can often haunt us in the present, it can also come to our aide if we heed it. One of the more inspiring elements to the story is overcoming obstacles. Figuratively as well as literally.
GERALDS GAME refers to a kinky sex game between a husband and wife. Gerald has been somewhat bored with his predictable sex life with his wife. Hes found a way to take the ho-hum out of the act. He likes to tie his wife to the bed and play like hes asaulting her. Hey, to each his own, but...the problem is that Geralds wife, while being turned on the first couple of times, has started to be disgusted with GERALDS GAME. It makes her feel dirty and used.
Up until now Geralds always just used ties of some kind like a belt from his bathrobe. But this day he has brought home a surprise for his betrothed. A pair of handcuffs. He commences to cuff his wife to the bed board and begins to undress when his wife gets p.o.d and demands to be let loose. He refuses and in fact, he gets more turned on than ever at the sight of his wifes rage. Its all part of the game, he says. Youre playing your part very well, my dear.
Well, at this point his wife loses it and when Gerald gets on top of her a fury is unleashed which kicks her husband off the bed. Shes not playing games anymore, no sir. Then shes horrified to realize that her blow has killed Gerald.
Then the horror of her situation begins to hit her and just builds and builds until shes enveloped in panic. Shes cuffed to the bed in a house with a corpse and nobody knows shes there. Shes basically left to conquer her inner demons as well as somehow try to get free from the bed. Talk about the bonds of holy matrimony, yikes!
I dont like to give everything away in my book reviews, but she does come up with some ingenious plans of escape. A major theme is also her relationship with her father when she was growing up and how that relationship has helped shape her attitudes towards men. The inspiring part of this story is how this woman actually uses her memories of a painful past to unlock her future.
Non-King fans may think he merely writes scary stories about things that go bump in the night, but true King fans know the truth. His stories take you to places you dont normally let your mind go. But he takes you there on these wild rides; rides that leave you breathless, yet wanting another.
I would recommend this book for someone looking for something quite different from standard horror fare. Its more about games of the mind, the tricks it plays on us, as well as how mind over matter isnt always just a meaningless cliche. Its about one womans overcoming obstacles: literally, the handcuffs; figuratively, past bonds which threaten to destroy her future.