My trip to Germany was for a month with 03 other colleagues. The first thing that struck us once we landed at the Frankfurt airport was the enormity of the place … the airport was literally HUGE. You have to see the impressive line-up of the best carriers in the world , all lined up standing huge and pretty . The weather had been predicted pleasant and that piece of information happened to be the first disaster . It so happened that it had snowed the night before we landed and as we reached there at around 0700 hrs. , the snowy winds were really not in a mood to spare us. The cold was so intense , we had to head towards the rest rooms to puke , it was the kind of cold that even the chilliest and biting winters of Delhi had not prepared us for. From the airport thankfully the wait time was nil , so we settled comfortably in our Lufthansa bus and headed towards the hotel. As we moved on, the scenes outside could not but make us feel amazed. The roads were all lined up with some of the most beautiful and colorful flowers we had ever seen. Unlike India , the pollution level was NIL , or as I think , minus zero. Not a speck of dust could be seen around and we could wear the same white shirt for 06 days in a row , it was that clean !!! From the hotel as we headed towards the office , we decided to go for a bus ride. The buses in Germany are a great way to travel around. Amazingly punctual , the bus stops are well-placed and have ample information about the bus-timings, which arrive by the clock. The floors are almost on road-level , so that you don’t have a problem in boarding. The seats are spacious with huge windows and u can always see the display board to check the name of the approaching destination. Other than that , the trains are another option of convenient travel. Trams in Germany are something you should take a ride in , more so to feel the experience of going through the streets in a leisurely pace and having a chance to look around at some of the very amazing and beautiful structures. A very good practice I found in Germans is the habit of reading. You will hardly see anyone waiting at the bus stop without reading something , whether a book or the paper. Plus once on the roads , you can always feast your eyes on the sleek German automobiles. For dog lovers too it’s a treat , as Germany has some of the best breeds. Germans are way too fond of dogs and you can almost spot every second person going out with man’s best friend. Food in Germany is not worth mentioning , especially for people like us , who are bred on spicy and oily stuff. If you are the kinds who can live on salads and fruits ( I saw some fruits and vegetables that I had never seen in my life and will never again taste in my life, come what may ) , then it could be a plus point. But don’t go by the look of the food , please enquire correctly and take a decision. A dish that looks fab could actually have you throwing up. Speaking about non-veg , I thank Germany for introducing me to ham and turkey , which I hated in the beginning but now I like. Though I really dint like the food there , I must admit the absence of oil and spice had worked wonders for my skin and when I returned , everyone just exclaimed how much fairer and glowing my skin had become !!! Now who would mind that , ya ! There are a lot of Pakistani restaurants in Germany who would be more than happy to dish up something spicy for you. You have to visit these restaurants that you’ll see very often, the love and friendliness shown by Pakistanis there towards Indian is really touching. We had one such restaurant near our hotel where we would go each evening. The people there were so happy to see us. They wanted to know what was happening in India and how were things actually between India and Pakistan. No matter how much we tried to pay them , they refused to charge us for the food. Finally when we were leaving, we got them a parting gift and the tears in their eyes said it all. It was an experience I will never forget. Frankfurt is a city worth visiting , you may read the review on Frankfurt for a better knowledge of the place. Go there with some good amount of time as well as money as there are some good shopping hubs out there. WalMart and some other big names are all there and once you land up in the Frankfurt market , you are gonna wish you carried some more cash. There are some good buys there for jackets , shoes , bags , belts , wallets, skirts , tees , formals ( both men and women ) , perfumes , accessories , books , electronics. But preferably try not to purchase jewelry , as you can always find better options in India. The pavements are all transformed into party zones, with live performances , songs , dance , tricks , bands , DJ’s , even strippers. Its going to be one hell of a time. Chocolate lovers should try out the different available flavors , its simply a treat to find the best names in chocolates under one roof. For the real chocolate lovers, try out the original flavor of chocolates , the bitter chocolates. For others , there are the sweet ones , the milky ones, nuts , crunchies , wafers , tobelorone and all the usual sinful delights Try out the wonderful open-air cafes and restaurants lining the streets. They are definitely worth visiting. A sincere piece of advice , steer clear of the punks , no matter how outrageous their hair-do or their outfits , please DO NOT turn around and look at them. As a rule , Germans, especially the punks do not look on outsiders as friends . Water in Germany is more expensive than beer , a small bottle could cost you upto 15 euros. Its always better to carry your own supply from the hotel. To be very blunt, even the water in the sink tap is pure drinking water , so you can always store it. Again , while traveling , remember to carry a lip balm that can double up as cream , the weather in Germany can prove to be very cruel at times and you can end up looking like an aged wrinkled version of your real self. Germans by nature are not very friendly , so its always better to be either a bit aware of the local tongue or know how to interpret signs. We had some of the worst experiences in the local shopping centers. As it is , everything closes down by 08:00 pm sharp , so you have to be through with your shopping by then. The labels are all in German, making it impossible for an outsider to understand what lies within. No amount of seeking help proves helpful, as they are simply not ready to speak English , even if they know the language. You have to run around on your own and depend on sheer luck. One small piece of advice , enter the malls with ample amount of time in hand , closing time can prove to be chaotic .