Hired an innova for Delhi-Nainital trip on 18th to 21st july 2018.
The driver ( Rajeev) was very rude all through the trip.
Didnt turn up on time when called for drive.
Gives a lot of excuses and gets into argument in no time.
Worst part is that when I returned the feedback to the company they didnt sound all that helpful.
The company charged night drive charges for going out to dinner nearby and returned 5mins after the cutofftime of 10pm ( happened two days) . I learnt abt it only only on trip completion. Talking to the company for waiver but proved futile.
On the return it was rash driving all thru and we were terrified to even talk to him to slow down.
There are many more bad things to mention abt him for what we went thru as tourist.will take a lotbof time.
Any company can be good but it takes extra effort in being resposible and sensible to become a great company. With ths kind of service Ill be surprised if they can even think about being a good company.
In short, please stay away from this company and the driver in particular.