Review content: I have been using The Simpl
App for roughly a couple of years now and
its concept is One Click Checkout meaning,
once you Register with Simpl you do not need
to enter debit or credit card details whilst
making a Checkout at Merchants supporting
Simpl. You pay using Simpl and then pay them
back on either the lst or the 16th of the month
during which you made the purchase. I use
Simpl on Grofers Regularly to buy Groceries
and I get a Credit of 15 days. I pay them off
once My Salary gets Credited. I have also
used it to book movie tickets on bookmyshow.
Problem is, not All Merchants support Simpl.
Although I enjoy an INR 5000 Credit, I cant
utilise it fully, as most Online Merchants I
shop from dont Support Simpl. The Concept
is Fabulous but needs proper acceptance
and application. I would Recommend it
though...the App is easy to use and needs
Social Accounts Verification.